Current time in

San Fernando

Trinidad and Tobago


Timezone: UTC/GMT -4.00 (America/Anguilla)

What time is it in San Fernando(AM/PM)

Current time in San Fernando: Thursday, November 14, 2024, 10:03:31 PM

Introduce of San Fernando

Dear user, here is the weather information for San Fernando on September 4, 2024:

The current outdoor temperature in San Fernando is 29.9°C, and it feels like 34.4°C.

The highest temperature today is 29.9°C, and the lowest temperature is 29.9°C.

The pressure is 1011 hPa, with a humidity level of 69%.

Wind speed is 1.12 m/s, cloud coverage is 73%, and the weather condition is Broken clouds.

Visibility is 10 km, with precipitation: No precipitation.

Geographical coordinates: Latitude 15.0286, Longitude 120.6898.

Country Trinidad and Tobago
Sunrise Time Sunrise time not available
Sunset Time Sunset time not available

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